Most psychological therapists will have experience of working with clients who are either taking or withdrawing from prescribed psychiatric drugs. It is important to note that they do not have to have specialist training in order to help clients with issues of prescribed drug dependence that may arise during therapy. The evidence presented in this guidance offers therapists additional information and knowledge that will enable them to provide support and respond to clients within the framework of their work context and preferred model of practice.
It invites therapists to reflect on their own position in relation to the biomedical paradigm and to consider a number of key issues in relation to prescription psychiatric drugs. Practice-related guidance includes suggestions for working with clients at different stages of their prescribed drug journey: those who are considering taking prescribed drugs; those who are considering withdrawing; and those who are already withdrawing and who may be experiencing withdrawal reactions. For ease of reference, brief summaries of the evidence presented in sections 4, 5 and 6 are included.